All Night Nippon Mobile by the captain of Team B, Yuki Kashiwagi as “Yukirin” and “tennen” self-paced Aki Takajo as “Akicha” has emerged as an iPhone Application.
Files included
File 1 XX for AKB members’ mobile phones is first come, first served.
File 2 How did Akicha screw up at Red and White Singing Contest?
File 3 Who has the biggest boobs among AKB members?
File 4 Disclosing Yukirin’s surprising weak point! The goal is 100 chance for success.
File 5 What was the first impression of each other? Akicha is embarrassed!?
File 6 What types of boys Yukirin and Akicha like?
File 7 The most important news in 2009 for Yukirin and Akicha ~ What are the goals
for 2010?
This content was reedited after it was delivered as “All Night Nippon Mobile” in January, 2010 and developed as an iPhone application.
Enjoy the 7 files of talk for approximately 50 minutes all together.